Media: Recycled Materials, Wood, Metal
I salvage materials from all stages of their life cycle; mostly materials at the end of their life found in a recycling yard or tip but occasionally new materials. I do whatever it takes to transform objects and raw materials into works to love, use, make you cry, make you think or just give you a laugh. The material, the techniques or the need to comment on the world around me is where my inspiration comes from. My work ranges from political or social commentary to the functional or whimsical. I have a broad range of skills and materials knowledge from years of making as well as 30 years teaching practical wood, metalwork, jewellery and design processes and techniques from an artist’s viewpoint. I teach and work with other artists for inspiration and connection and to expand my approach, ideas and skills. The diversity and level of technical skills I have allows for the craft of my art to be of a high technical standard as well as allowing me to use various materials. Above all I need to explore, question and comment in a creative way with my hands and mind. My works are the result of this conversation between mind, hand and material.