Media: sculptor
I came late to my life as a full time sculptor, with a studio in the woods of Maine in the USA. My first big success, in collaboration with another artist while we were both finishing art degrees,found us in Beijing in 2008, receiving a Five Rings Award for the International Olympic Landscape Sculpture competition- especially sweet for me because I was born in Shanghai. Since then there have been solo shows, and installations for community engagement in public art, and performance art collaborations.My work has usually been about human relationships and “Tikkun Olam”, the individual’s responsibility as seen by my Jewish tradition, to heal the world. So, there is frequently a conceptual element to my work, often a ritual or celebratory, and utilitarian one as well.
I use a variety of renewable and recycled materials, frequently returning to wood and sticks. I construct and build, because I love doing it. My favorite cutting tool lately is a Stihl battery operated chain saw with a finer than usual blade. Collaboration was central to my work as an activist and community builder, even before I became an artist. I look forward to meeting the creative people at EMMA, to thinking in new directions, having great conversations, making together. I like cold rivers and lakes. Swim???